Sunday, September 17, 2017

Networking and Building your Circle of Influence, By Amanda Kay

Starting and running a business as well as in our professional careers, it’s wise to always network and make connections anywhere at any time. It allows you to talk and discuss with potential business partners, clients and customers, make new friends that can help you grow in business as well as in your personal life.

Networking is a big deal, how else can you expect to meet new people who can help your business by either mentoring or at least put you in touch with potential business partners.Networking is actually fun and great for sharing ideas, gain exposure and connections with other networks, it helps increase your confidence, it raises your profile as being visible, getting noticed and even results in opportunities which are all benefits.

Expanding your network helps increase your knowledge, meet new people who could help you reaches your goal and expands your reach.Always be prepared for networking and make great first impressions.

Here are ways to get you started on networking and building lasting relationships:

1. Be more active on social media: spend time on your social media platforms searching and connecting with new people all the time.

2. Join professional networks: join networks and movements that create a platform for networking and discussions. It is a way to build friendships and show people that you’re interested and smart.

Photo credit CreateHer Stock 

3. Have an elevator pitch and business cards ready: a first impression goes a long way, make surewhat you say to others about either yourself or your business catchy, fun and authentic. Also giveout remarkable cards with fancy designs and cut without too many information.

4. Volunteering/Collaborate: volunteer to stay involved and visible. It opens your mind and yournetwork to new possibilities. Collaborate to serve others, a willingness to collaborate is essential in building trust and establish strong relationships. These are also ways to give back.

5. Hosts events/attend events: hosting or organizing events immediately positioned you as aleader people will want to speak with and get to know. It looks good on your resume. Attendnetworking events and meet the right people that can build business or friendly relationships with.

6. Reconnect and ask members of your current network for referrals and introductions: the easiestway to meet new friends is to leverage your current network. Lunches and dates are useful whenyour friends have the same networking goals in mind and want to pool their efforts with you.Don’t be shy to ask them to introduce you to new friends. Be bold and take the chance.

7. Your personified/build your brand: be authentic and approachable, faking it isn’t sustainable.Stand out of the crowd with your uniqueness. Create something that people can attach you to likehashtags. Have a positive attitude, it makes people want to cooperate and associate with yourbrand.

8.Always try to make new friends: be friendly, fun and smart. People will forget what you said ordid but will never forget how you made them feel. Our success in networking depends on howwell we can listen and learn, the faster you both learn and know from each other, the faster you’llestablish a valuable relationship. Listening to people will enable you to help make theconnections they seek.

 Amanda Kay, a young African woman based in Sierra Leone exploring business, Africa, innovation and feminism.  She is a writer and a social entrepreneur becoming part of Africa's growth story. She enjoys being alone minding her business, eating indomie and sharing her #black girl magic. Find her on Instagram @Nyapui

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